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Open Mon - Fri: 7AM - 6PM Sat: 7AM - 3PM | 200 S Tustin St, Orange CA 92866 | (714) 633-3323 | Careers

Seeds and treats your bird will tweet about.

Bird owners are always searching for best food to give their “pretty birds”. There are even some that enjoy sharing food with their feathery friends. So what is the best diet for your pet bird?

There are five categorizations of birds when it comes to their dietary needs. The first category is florivores which eat seeds, fruits, nuts, bark, roots, and berries. Next there are frugivores which mostly eat fruit and flowers, and sometimes they eat nuts and seeds. Then there are granivores which eat grains and seeds. The fourth classification is omnivores which eat seeds, fruits, insects, and invertebrates. Finally, there are nectarivores whose diet consists of nectar, pollen, and some insects and seeds. So just ask your veterinarian which category your feathered buddy falls into, and then plan their diet accordingly.

There are some common beliefs regarding pet bird food that should be better understood. One belief regarding bird food is that sunflower seeds are addictive, but this is not true. Birds do tend to enjoy them immensely though so it is important to not let them eat too many because it is bad for their health to overindulge. It is also said that seeds are bad for birds. This is true, but only if it is the only thing you feed them. Then there is the belief that avocados are dangerous for birds to eat. This is more or less true. Some parts are poisonous to birds so play it safe and don’t give them any.

Photo by Peter F.

There is also the question of whether or not “people food” is okay for birds. When it comes to sharing your food it is important to consider what is okay for your feathered friend. Beans are good for them, but be sure to not use any seasoning and don’t let birds eat raw beans. Some other foods birds can enjoy are fruit, vegetables, sprouts, breads, popcorn, peppers, and pasta. Birds can have nuts as well, but these should be used only as special treats.